What is HMDA Approval?
HMDA is a approval authority in Hyderabad Metropalitan Region. Hyderabad Metropalitan Region spreded up to 50 Kms radius from Hyderabad. HMDA started from Jan 1st of 2018. Before it was HUDA with limited jursidiction. Now HMDA Spreded over 6000 Sq Kms.
HMDA made a city master plan for 2031. as per the master plan HMDA will give approvals to layouts. in the process of approval HMDA will check the ligality clearence also. after that they will give a draft layout with approval LP number. while giving draft layout they will take up mortgage which is 15% of plot area in the layout.after complition of developments in the layout as per HMDA guideline, they will release plots from mortgage. So You can get legally clear title venture and all basic developments in HMDA approved venture.